AIOpponent Member List

This is the complete list of members for AIOpponent, including all inherited members.
AIOpponent(int difficulty)AIOpponent
CalculateShot(char arr[6][7])AIOpponent
CanMakeMove(char g[6][7], int col)AIOpponent [inline, protected]
CheckDiagonalOne(char g[6][7])AIOpponent [inline, protected]
CheckDiagonalTwo(char g[6][7])AIOpponent [inline, protected]
CheckDraw(char g[6][7])AIOpponent [inline, protected]
CheckForWinner(char g[6][7])AIOpponent [inline, protected]
CheckHorizontal(char g[6][7])AIOpponent [inline, protected]
CheckVertical(char g[6][7])AIOpponent [inline, protected]
EASY enum value (defined in AIOpponent)AIOpponent [protected]
EvaluateDiagonalOne(char g[6][7], int &redFour, int &redThree, int &redTwo, int &yellowFour, int &yellowThree, int &yellowTwo, int &fourBlock, int &threeBlock, int &twoBlock)AIOpponent [inline, protected]
EvaluateDiagonalTwo(char g[6][7], int &redFour, int &redThree, int &redTwo, int &yellowFour, int &yellowThree, int &yellowTwo, int &fourBlock, int &threeBlock, int &twoBlock)AIOpponent [inline, protected]
EvaluateHorizontals(char g[6][7], int &redFour, int &redThree, int &redTwo, int &yellowFour, int &yellowThree, int &yellowTwo, int &fourBlock, int &threeBlock, int &twoBlock)AIOpponent [inline, protected]
EvaluatePosition(char g[6][7], bool turn)AIOpponent [inline, protected]
EvaluateSegment(char s[5], int &redFour, int &redThree, int &redTwo, int &yellowFour, int &yellowThree, int &yellowTwo, int &fourBlock, int &threeBlock, int &twoBlock)AIOpponent [inline, protected]
EvaluateVerticals(char g[6][7], int &redFour, int &redThree, int &redTwo, int &yellowFour, int &yellowThree, int &yellowTwo, int &fourBlock, int &threeBlock, int &twoBlock)AIOpponent [inline, protected]
fourBlockWeightAIOpponent [protected, static]
fourWeightAIOpponent [protected, static]
GetMove(char g[6][7], int &score)AIOpponent [inline, protected]
GetNextEmptyInCol(char g[6][7], int col)AIOpponent [inline, protected]
HARD enum value (defined in AIOpponent)AIOpponent [protected]
m_difficultyAIOpponent [protected]
m_turnAIOpponent [protected]
m_validShotsAIOpponent [protected]
MakeMove(char g[6][7], int col)AIOpponent [inline, protected]
MEDIUM enum value (defined in AIOpponent)AIOpponent [protected]
NegaMax(char g[6][7], int depth, int &bM, int row, int col, bool aiTurn)AIOpponent [inline, protected]
State enum nameAIOpponent [protected]
threeBlockWeightAIOpponent [protected, static]
threeWeightAIOpponent [protected, static]
twoBlockWeightAIOpponent [protected, static]
twoWeightAIOpponent [protected, static]
UpdateGrid(char g[6][7], int col, char colour)AIOpponent [inline, protected]
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